
Università degli Studi di Milano Statale – UNIMI

UNIMI mission is to contribute to society through teaching and research at the highest international levels of excellence. It is the only Italian member among the prestigious Universities of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). Its Department of Social and Political Sciences promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to the analysis of European social policy and can count on specific expertise in welfare state and inequalities in education. Its network is wide and includes strong contacts with the University of Milano Bicocca involved in the project as third party providing in-kind contribution against payments.

Main Tasks within LINEup

In cooperation with the University of Milano Bicocca, UNIMI leads the desk research aiming at mapping national, regional and local longitudinal data on students’ education outcomes, such as performance or cognitive development. In close collaboration with INVALSI and with support from all other research organisations, UNIMI leads a comparative analysis of the identified longitudinal databases to deliver a feasibility study on a possible database homogenisation process for inequalities in education.


Emmanuele Pavolini

Team Leader

Gianluca Argentin

Team Leader