
The LINEup Kick-Off Meeting in Turin

The LINEup EU-funded project started on 1st of February and will last there years. A wide range of partners with different expertise at research, practice and policy level started to work together with the objective of identifying key success factors for quality education for all.

The kick-off meeting took place on 22-23 February 2024. Partners from 6 countries gathered for the first time in Turin at the premises of Fondazione per la Scuola, project leader and coordinator.

Two days of discussion on how to use data to address inequalities in education. Two days of work to align expectations, explain roles and responsibilities, discuss possible improvements, finalise the research methodology and identify the impact we want to make.

The kick-off was a great occasion to get to know each other’s and discuss in detail the research, with particular attention to the literature review and the mapping of longitudinal data.