
Karlsruhe University of Education – PHKA

PHKA is a university that started working on teacher education and expanded to focus on a broad range of research and teaching in education over the live span like education in a democratic society, educational processes in the digital world, and STEM in a culture of sustainability. The team taking part in the project has worked extensively on questions of educational inequality across countries, including by using longitudinal data and carrying out cross-country comparison. PHKA can count on a wide network and a broad variety of scientific cooperation agreements.

Main Tasks within LINEup

PHKA co-leades and supports UNIMI in the mapping and analysis of logitudinal data across countries and related feasibility study. Its team also contributes and works on the qualitative research in Germany.


Martin Neugebauer

Team Leader

Stefan Gunzelmann

Team Member


Karlsruhe University of Education – PHKA

Fondazione per la Scuola is one of the independent operating bodies of Compagnia San Paolo Foundation, one the largest philantrophic institutions in Italy. Based in Turin, Fondazione per la Scuola is a training and research organisation recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education that works to promotes inclusive and quality education at primary and secondary level through a wide range of initiatives and research projects. Its mission is twofold: on the one hand, promoting school inclusion and encouraging everyone educational success; on the other, supporting the adoption of innovative approaches and teaching methods. Its research unit focuses on the concept of ‘authentic schools’ (Wiggins, McTighe, Donovan, etc.), carries out applied and evaluation research, specialises on mixed-method approach, and works to better link educational research, policy and practice.

Main Tasks within LINEup

Fondazione per la Scuola is the project coordinator and leader. Its team is responsible for the overall coordination of LINEup consortium, both at scientific and administrative and financial level. Its role within the project is to ensure the overall quality of the research and to manage project complexity, while ensuring transparency, synergies and integration among partners. Fondazione per la la Scuola is also responsible for the qualitative research set up and implementation in Italy.


Veronica Mobilio

Scientific Project Coordinator

Barbara Quarta

Consortium Project Manager

Elisa Grasso

Financial and Administrative Officer

Ilaria Lievore

Junior Quantitative Researcher